Dream it bigger and create an ongoing dialog between what is and what might be. Which aspects could be extended? How could you add something? Make it smaller: What could you leave out? Which aspects could be reduced? How far can you go? What is your ambition? What should you be aware of in terms of responsibility? Do you want the largest audience? Do you want media coverage? Who is your audience?
I dream of flow, of easiness and joy. I dream of material, analogue and digital, of their connection. I dream of shape and aesthetic. I dream of experiment and tools. I dream of a world of possibilities, where access and knowledge do not impair a creative process. I dream of Walking further and being able to look back.
Although crypitc and “etherial”, my dream names the few key aspects of the topic I want to tackle for the bachelor thesis. I provided the cornerstone for writing my disposition, and having the goal in mind helped me to get to work on the disposition. It is still difficult to think of where I will be in half a year, and what decisions I will encounter, but the dream remains.