Some general feedback / Ideas that emerged from the whole discussion, I felt inspired by:
During discussing Mais’ disposition we talked about the inclusiveness of tools, especially a gaming console, and how accessible they are, or what hurdles they come with. This is certainly a questions that will pose itself during my process as well. It could be argued that a computer is not a very accessible tool, but for the use case of graphic design it could be argued that the target group generally has the means of accessing the computer secondly, a certain amount of open-source or freeware applications comparable to the expensive programs exist which could provide a workaround. As a third remark the big learning curve that the use of existing tools require could be added, which could be solved with employing analog methods that still persist as tradition in graphic design.
The next steps will certainly be the narrowing down on key research questions to prevent swinging between multiple aspects and loss of orientation and provide a focussed direction of research.
In several feedbacks, the vagueness of the methods section was noted which i felt was appliquable to my dispositon as well. ”Just name-dropping methods does not answer the question.”
Another point was the motivation question, where I felt the need to Improve though extending on the impact my skillset could have on the topic.
Regarding my Disposition:
Inclusion in tools (as noted above)
Skillset suits me. Road of discovery
Joelle: Hard to decode my own mindset, specify more on graphic design tools. More accessible language. Specify and define terms. Proposing a new thing? saying that youre different. How am I different to processing? Choosing the direction.
Nicola Delany to everyone: (16:30): I think the problems with the current design tools are outlined very well and that the text is structured very well.
Daniela Spühler to Everyone (16:31): I can well understand that with the 100 drafts in a short period of time 😄I also think that you are choosing the right path.
David Wollschlegel to Everyone (16:32) It was this study:
As a general feedback, I felt the need to specify more on certain terms and expand the explanation. I still struggle with the contribution section, as I do not yet posses a definitive framing and idea of the outcome.
Feedback for others:
Gian: I really like your personal connection to the topic and your motivation behind it. I very much like the thoughts about alternative communication methods / expressing emotion
Daniela: I like the scope of the disposition that widens on the basic task at hand, and all the relevant questions connected with data that you pose. I doubt that the ministry of traffic would pose such questions in collecting their data.
Mai: I like the project and the adherance /straighforwardness to the topic / thinking about inclusion. But it somehow lacks thinking about possible problems in the process / more critical design thinking.
Lydia: The research question is huge and opens a box of pandora of new questions/ topics. It could benefit from a more specific use case / issue.
Kilian: A very interesting remark is the notion of affective computing